Learning to Lasso
Acrobatics for Mothers
Bernie Toale Gallery, Boston Drawing Project; Galaria Gora, Montreal Canada; Dover Public Library
These two series of prints and paintings address the topic of balancing motherhood, a career, a creative life, all while trying to maintain a sense of humor. The prints were my beginning of cross over techniques, between digital images and hand-manipulated materials. Using a scanner to fuse images painted in oil with drawings on mylar and then taken further using Photoshop and output on watercolor paper with archival inks. The paintings are oil on wood panels with poured resin.
Puzzle Pieces
(2000-2004) Painting Center NYC; deCordova Downtown; Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University; ARTCETERA; Green Street Gallery
Puzzle pieces began by throwing everyone out of the paintings. Devoid of human depiction, I began to work with the images of literal puzzle pieces, first as individual abstract forms, then as a vehicle for a series of color interactions, where each panel responded or interacted with the next. These paintings focused more on the actual process of painting and visual language in contrast to storytelling. They did not contain “messages” but combined concepts and aspects of renaissance painting, abstract painting, and Pop art. There are over thirty paintings in this series. Eventually, my passion for narrative began to reemerge into the series.